Search Results FILTERS Bedrooms 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Bathrooms 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ City Montecito Santa Barbara Summerland Flexible Dates +/- 1 days +/- 2 days +/- 3 days +/- 4 days Apply Filters Clear Filters Price Range: $0 - $10000 Amenities Free wifi Hot Water Laptop Friendly Type Duplex House Looking for a specific property? Search by unit name. - Choose -Above It AllAdventures at Arroyo BurroBeachfront Bungalow at MiramarGolden HourLazy HummingbirdMesa Beach EscapeMesa GemMesa JewelMesa SanctuaryModern Mesa RetreatMontecito BungalowMontecito OaksMontecito TreehouseSand Bungalow at Lazy HummingbirdSanta Barbara HideawaySanta Barbara RetreatSky Bungalow at the Lazy HummingbirdSurf Bungalow at the Lazy HummingbirdSweet Spot of MontecitoThe Cottage at Miramar LOCATIONS Montecito Santa Barbara Summerland GUESTS Any 2 Guests 3 Guests 4 Guests 5 Guests 6 Guests 7 Guests 8 Guests 9 Guests 10 Guests SEARCH 1-20 of 20 results Sort byBedrooms - Low to HighBedrooms - High to LowA-ZZ-APrice - High to LowPrice - Low to High Favorites Your Name: Your Email: Recipients Email: Enter one or more recipient email addresses separated by comma Message: Share Pet Friendly Beachfront Bungalow at Miramar Santa Barbara 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 5 Guest From $1,095.00 Pet Friendly Modern Mesa Retreat Santa Barbara 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 4 Guest From $246.00 Pet Friendly Mesa Sanctuary Santa Barbara 4 Beds | 2.5 Baths | 6 Guest From $775.00 Pet Friendly Surf Bungalow at the Lazy Hummingbird Summerland 2 Beds | 1 Baths | 4 Guest From $313.00 Pet Friendly Montecito Treehouse Montecito 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 4 Guest From $795.00 Pet Friendly Mesa Gem Santa Barbara 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 8 Guest From $250.00 Pet Friendly Adventures at Arroyo Burro Santa Barbara 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 6 Guest From $495.00 Pet Friendly Santa Barbara Hideaway Santa Barbara 5 Beds | 3.5 Baths | 10 Guest From $895.00 Pet Friendly Mesa Beach Escape Santa Barbara 4 Beds | 2 Baths | 6 Guest From $450.00 Pet Friendly Montecito Bungalow Montecito 2 Beds | 2 Baths | 4 Guest From $845.00 Pet Friendly Golden Hour Summerland 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 6 Guest From $718.00 Pet Friendly The Cottage at Miramar Montecito 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 5 Guest From $1,095.00 Above It All Santa Barbara 3 Beds | 3 Baths | 6 Guest From $1,500.00 Pet Friendly Lazy Hummingbird Summerland 4 Beds | 3 Baths | 8 Guest From $699.00 Pet Friendly Sky Bungalow at the Lazy Hummingbird Summerland 1 Beds | 1 Baths | 2 Guest From $275.00 Pet Friendly Montecito Oaks Montecito 4 Beds | 4 Baths | 8 Guest From $1,599.00 Sweet Spot of Montecito Santa Barbara 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 6 Guest From $710.00 Pet Friendly Mesa Jewel Santa Barbara 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 6 Guest From $495.00 Pet Friendly Santa Barbara Retreat Santa Barbara 3 Beds | 2 Baths | 5 Guest From $519.00 Pet Friendly Sand Bungalow at Lazy Hummingbird Summerland 1 Beds | 1 Baths | 2 Guest From $275.00 Prev1